Maple Clinic

Skin Dryness
Dry skin can be an irritating condition that causes the skin to crack, feel rough and flaky. It occurs when the skin is not able to retain enough moisture, which can lead to itching, scaling, and tightness.
Causes of Dry Skin
There are several causes of dry skin, including exposure to harsh weather conditions, hot showers, and the use of harsh soaps that strip the skin of its natural oils. Some individuals may also suffer from skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis that can cause dryness. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and loses its ability to retain moisture, making dryness more common.
Symptoms of Dry Skin

Here are some common symptoms that people may experience when they have skin dryness:

  • Flakes of skin shedding from the surface
  • Itchy and irritated skin
  • Skin feeling tight and uncomfortable
  • Rough and uneven skin textures
  • Fine lines or cracks, which can become deep and even bleed in severe cases

Complications of Dry Skin

If left untreated, dry skin can lead to complications, such as:

Premature fine lines and wrinkles

Skin dryness can cause plump skin cells to shrink and trap water in your skin, resulting in tiny lines and creases.


Scratching dry, itchy skin can lead to bacterial infections.


Dry skin can trigger eczema flare-ups, which can be itchy and painful.

Treatment Options for Dry Skin

Dry skin is often temporary or seasonal and can be easily managed with proper treatment. There are several options to treat dry skin, including:

Moisturizing skin care

Using mild, fragrance-free soaps and moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid can help to keep the skin hydrated and prevent dryness.


In severe cases, medications like corticosteroids may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and itching caused by dryness.

skin dryness
Ways to Prevent Dry Skin
To prevent skin from becoming dry, it's important to hydrate your skin from both the inside and outside. Drinking plenty of water can keep your skin hydrated from within while using a humidifier can add moisture to the air and keep your skin hydrated from the outside. Avoid taking hot or warm showers for extended periods and over-exfoliating, as this can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause dryness. Wearing protective clothing can also shield your skin from harsh weather conditions and prevent dryness. Remember to take care of your skin regularly to maintain its health and hydration.

Frequently Asked Questions

What deficiency will cause dry skin?

Certain nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin D, vitamin A, niacin, zinc, or iron can develop excessively dry skin.

Can diet affect dry skin?

Yes, a diet low in essential fatty acids can contribute to dry skin. Foods like nuts and seeds that are rich in vitamin E are good for the skin as they support skin's lipid layer and hydrate skin.

Is it safe to use petroleum jelly on dry skin?

Yes, petroleum jelly is a safe and effective moisturizer to relieve dry skin, especially for lips and cracked heels.

Keeping your skin hydrated and healthy is important as skin dryness can accelerate skin aging and lead to other troubling skin concerns. If you are experiencing severe or persistent dryness, allow Maple Clinic to help you achieve moisturized, glowing skin that you deserve! All you need to do is book a consultation for FREE professional advice.

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